"Cultural Week" (14. - 20.1.)

Last week I did quite a few cultural things here in Prague:

On Tuesday I went to the state opera with Joris and his flatmate to see "The Swan Lake", it was the second time for me to see a ballet performance (first was in Brno and as you can tell from the blog entry back then I thought "ballet was just not for me").
I have to admit that I loved every minute of it, not only was it a really high-quality performance with impressive costumes and props as well as a stage design that changed several times, but the dancers moved so simultaneously, I loved it!
Moreover, it's very affordable for students to go to the theatre, opera or ballet here as we get a 50%-discount, it's even true for the cinema! :)
Last but not least the opera has got a simply awe-inspiring interior as you can see here:



On Friday I joined Marie, one of my fellow students, her boyfriend and her flatmates to "Laterna Magika" which is a nonverbal theatre and a combination of dance, film and black theatre. It is considered key in the development of modern Czech theatre and is very well-known here in Prague.
I found it a very different approach and it was something I had never seen before, but I really enjoyed myself and would recommend everyone to go there at least once.
That's what the stage looked like (and you have no idea how many things you can do with these few props):


One day later I went to another ballet performance called "Don Quijote" with my Polish friend Marta - there were several acts and therefore intermissions which made the play last forever ;).
Nevertheless, it was again a high-quality performance with colourful Spanish dresses and a flawless (or so it seemed to me at least) orchestra.
Having said that I have to acknowledge that I liked "The Swan Lake" better as it was simply a more classical piece of ballet and I'm looking forward to see more of those.
Here you can see Marta and me during one of the intermissions, coincidentally we were both wearing the same colours :D :


On Sunday Marta, her tandem partner and I went to the closing ceremony of the Short Film Festival were all the awarded short films were shown - all in all we watched four films from Norway, Hungary, Germany and Great Britain.
My personal favourite was "Tuba Atlantica", a Norwegian film from 2010, unfortunately I was unable to find a version on Youtube, but you can read the synopsis here: http://www.nordicil.org/the-nowegian-film-school/2010/film_item.2011-02-02.2041389272 .

As you can see, I am enjoying my time here, I hope you do, too, let me know what's going on in your life, I'm looking forward to hearing from you! :)
Michael (Gast) - 7. Apr, 21:36

christina_abroad - 12. Apr, 23:21

Ah, cool, danke, habe es gerade erst gesehen! :) Hast du den Film auch geguckt?

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Ah, cool, danke, habe...
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christina_abroad - 12. Apr, 23:21
http://www.filmarkivet.no/ film/details.aspx?filmid=4 00194
http://www.filmarkivet.no/ film/details.aspx?filmid=4 00194
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